

Monday, October 1, 2012

Farewell Comair

Waiting to board one of Comair's final flights.

I remember when Comair was revered. They took the big gamble on the first CRJ's. Their success created a new model that transformed the industry. The regionals were making serious money and they could not get CRJ's fast enough. The high point came when Delta spent $2 billion to buy out Comair.  

Big money was being flashed around at Comair and the pilots wanted their share.  They shut down Comair in the summer of 2001 in an attempt to get THE industry leading contract.  They ended up with the contract but significant damage was done to the company and union. The majors started mixing the feed at their hubs and playing the regionals against one another which started the race to the bottom.  Comair's expensive pilot contract was a millstone around their neck and the pilots refused to budge.  Comair's bankruptcy was not successful enough to bring down their costs.  Delta tried to sell Comair without success. In the end, Delta broke down Comair and finally shut it down.

I don't want to place blame solely on the pilots.  It was the contact and the pilot's seniority that made Comair so expensive.  The regional model only works if the major carriers keep hiring the senior regional pilots.  This keeps the average pilot pay low enough to be competitive.  The major's failed to keep up their end of the deal and punished the regional whose seniority made them too expensive.

Comair will always be remembered for their success and contribution to the industry.  They are also a lesson on the pitfalls of excess that accompanies the boom and bust cycle of this business.

In the end, Comair was more than just contracts and seniority lists.  It was made of some of the best people in this business.  I hope they find smooth landings.  

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